Major Tax Changes Seminar 28th March

Working from home? Trust Distributions? Superannuation? Major Tax Changes Seminar 28th March   Tuesday 6pm the 28th of March at Kingston Art Centre (opposite our CIA tax office) we’ll be hosting a seminar that is tax critical for nearly all of us. The tax world as we know it is rapidly changing and we feel it’s only the first shots across the bow in a new higher taxing environment (to manage deficits and to enact election promises).

Bookings are essential – simply reply to this email your attendances. 

If you can’t make our session, it will be recorded and we can provide you with a link the next day, again just reply to this email to be on this list.   

Working from home The way you have been claiming home office (working from home expenses) has now significantly changed and we’ll be going through the new methods – for a sneak peek at the changes:  

Superannuation changes Whilst it doesn’t effect many at the moment by not linking change to inflation it means over the years a whole lot more of middle Australia will be effected and making changes today become more critical. Clearly super is becoming more and more of a target – here’s a glimpse of the first nibble:  

Family Trust Distributions In short under the new rules you need to actually pay the distribution to the allocated beneficiary which can throw long standing traditional family arrangements into disarray  

CIA tax and Ticker Tv clips   

Managing your tax liabilities successfully Dr Steven Enticott (CIA tax) & Mike Loder (Ticker News) Money Matters Ticker News – 7th March 2023:  

Rich, Middle Class & Poor Mindsets How to think rich Dr Steven Enticott (CIA tax) & Mike Loder (Ticker News) Money Matters Ticker News – 21 February 2023:              

Labour Day Weekend CIA tax will be closed Monday the 13th- for the public holiday long weekend. Hope you too can get a mini break!